Friday, January 29, 2010

Old post 1 (Jan 1, 2010) new life

To do list/plans/accomplishments for the new year....

since I can't put check marks on the ones that I've accomplished...I'll just put "*"

  1. Go back to dance *
  2. Exercise....GET FIT GET FIT GET FIT!!
  3. Study for National exam *done.....but currently waiting for my results*
  4. Go on a trip.........Vegas......Greece (maybe next year)...Philippines/Hongkong (maybe next year).....San Diego
  5. Apply for jobs *done...but still going to continue to apply*
  6. Clean/re-arrange my room
  7. School...part time..take 1 or 2 classes pre-req for BSN program
  8. Get info for NCLEX and work/student visa (my original plan...but Im gunna put this off for a little while)
  9. Learn to play the guitar (I need to buy an acoustic guitar first...and before I can buy...I'll be needing a job)
  10. Find passion for singing....
  11. Learn to stop settling for to be better....above average
  12. Smile.......WITH FEELINGS

.......for some reason I don't know what happened to the rest of the list....the bottom half of my list was ripped out of the book lol....

My new personal therapist to keep me sane

Everyone goes through a time in their life that the only thing keeping them sane is having conversations with themselves. I'm not trying to sound crazy, but really, when you start losing sleep because you no longer have the control to turn your own brain off, when you can't stop the 10 million thoughts from running through your mind all at the same time, when you have random moments in your day (and believe me, its random, it doesn't choose a time or place) when all of your emotions pour out.....these things and more....are all signs that you're heading down the road of insanity. The one thing that has worked for me is to write my thoughts down on a piece of paper, or in this case, type my thoughts out.

I'm starting to understand the up side of blogging, sometimes there are things that you want to say to someone, or there are things that you want to share.....but you can't because you are afraid of being judged. This is my way of saying how I feel freely because this is MINE....MY journal...MY blog.